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It is important that all attendees of our Big Big Love events appreciate our vision, we invite all attendees to embrace this commitment.

  The Big Big Love Vision

The very essence of the word ‘Love’ is a feeling of any degree of connection 
- or emotional attachment - that we have towards anything...
So we would like to initially define 'Big Love' as the passion and deep love of music that people have - like when they sing it from their very hearts - alongside the shared and interconnected relationship that they have to the movement of that music - or what we would define as dance. 

Therefore - we define 'Big Big Love' as the fundamental passion within this 
'Big Love' amplified by the interrelatedness to those that share this feeling and the 
Universal commitment to the Togetherness, Fun, Kinship and the Mutual Respect of those people.

Our Commitment

So what are the 'Birdy Presents... Big Big Love' events and what is our commitment to you?
Well, Birdy and his team will endeavour to find and make available wonderful,
yet affordable, ven
ues with great sound systems and the very best DJs to be able
to facilitate the bringing together of people that love 'soulful' dance music - in all it's forms.

Your Commitment

To adhere to the 'Big Big Love' ethos of Togetherness, Fun, Kinship and the Mutual Respect and the Universal commitment to the other attendees.
Also, to commit to share your passion and deep love of Soulful music
and your willingness
to have fun, dance and of course SHARE LOVE!!! 


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